Wikipedia: "Telepathy (from the Greek τηλε, tele meaning "distant" and πάθη, pathe meaning "affliction, experience"), is the transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the "five classic senses" (See Psi). A telepath would be a person with the paranormal ability to read others' thoughts and mental contents. Telepathy is one kind of extrasensory perception which, along with psychokinesis, forms the main topics of parapsychological research."
When you call someone and they say I was just going to call you, or say I was just thinking about you!
When you, out of no reason, get scared for someone dear to you, and it turns out that something IS wrong with that person.
When you feel this person is good or evil, even if it's the first time you meet.
When a mother know something is wrong with one of her children.
When a twin brother hurts when his brother hurts.
When you talk to someone without saying a word...
Do you beleive in Telepathy?
من منا لا يؤمن بالتخاطر ، بس مش كل الناس ممكن يترجموه صح يستخدموه صح التخاطر حتي ممكن يرسل لك معلومات عن طريق حلمك، انا من الناس اللي بتحلم باشياء و بعد فترة كبيرةبعيش نفس الحدث مع انه لم يحدث من قبل
فين بقيت الحكايات انت هاتخمنا و لا هاتتقل علينا و لا اية ، احنا مستنين
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